Sunday, September 15, 2013


So, I set up my free promotion through KDP last night and immediately posted a thread on the /r/fantasy subreddit. Great response. It's an oddball book that I'm pitching, and while it might not be everyone's cup of tea, /r/fantasy has always been really supportive to new authors. I've been lurking and posting for the better part of two years (with a different account), and they always seem to be really excited about helping out one of their own.

If you happen to be swinging by this way from /r/fantasy, thank you very much for the encouragement/support!

Also, just to throw this out there, if you're interested in the book, but aren't quite sure if it's your thing, I posted a short prequel to the story on Google Docs a while back that's still available.

You can find it HERE.

I think that's it! The book is still available for free, and should remain that way until Monday night at 11:59 PM (PST).
